Want to be interviewed?
Interviewee Info & Prep
An an interviewee, you will have a chance to inspire women with your own take on the 3 Ls (Live, Laugh, Learn). Through your own experience as a woman abroad, sharing your story about ups and downs and the learnings on beliefs, assumptions, and personal identity. A proposed format is below, but the interviews are meant to be authentic discussion, so may organically go in different directions, just go with it…and if there are topics you chose not to cover please let me know beforehand.
Conversation will flow. This is meant to flow as if you were talking to a good friend. My home “studio” is very laid back and there will be a shared mic. Please speak close to the microphone so audio is clear. Don’t be afraid, this is not meant to make you uncomfortable. Quite the opposite. You were selected as someone with a something to say, who could teach your L³ moment. YOU INSPIRE, without even trying! Feel free to share any information you would like related to your profession, including website, Instagram follow, etc. Equally, feel free NOT to share contact details. This podcast will be shared with other women in different parts of the world.
Interviews are meant to go approx 30 minutes and loosely follow this format:
INTRO (5-10 minutes): Interview briefly introduces the name of individual. Interviewee then introduces themselves. This can include name, background, profession/recreation, what brings you to ABEX, high level how did you end up in xxx country…
Interview (20-25 minutes): Interviews are meant to flow…but will follow a series of questions that allow you to express your L³ Living, Laughing + Learning moment…
Tell us how you became “A broad” abroad… or your experience of being a broad abroad?
How have you L³ed? Lived, Laughed + Learned abroad
What fears, trepidations/concerns did you have?
What has been the biggest surprise for you personally?
How did this living abroad affect your own sense of identity?**
How have these moments changed you/led to your own personal development?
What are some things you do/think/say differently as a result of your experiences abroad?
How does this affect you when you go “back home”?
FILL IN THE BLANK ….If I knew then, what I know now about living abroad, my advice would …(FILL IN THE BLANK)
10)What other advice or considerations would you share?
Tell us more about your business/experiences/etc for listeners…how can they learn about you? Your services/products…
What assumptions did you have and how did this experience abroad change that perspective?
How did this effect you relationships with yourself or others?
How did you re-define yourself? What did you learn?